
The fine three-manual organ at St Augustine’s was made and installed in 1899 by the Sheffield organ builder, Albert Keates. With 1650 pipes and 29 ranks, it is thought to be the largest surviving Keates organ still in its original form. The organ is used at every service to accompany the choir and congregation, and for organ voluntaries.


It is sometimes said that “the most important stop on an organ is the building”, and St Augustine’s is fortunate to have an acoustic sympathetic to organ and choral music. A visiting organist recently commented – “I was very impressed by the tonal quality of the instrument and the way it is beautifully judged and voiced to suit the fine acoustic. Playing at the console is very like a cathedral experience”.

We actively encourage young people and students to use the organ for practice, and we arrange occasional organ recitals. giving our young people the opportunity to play to an audience if they want. We are particularly keen that students who may have played the church organ at any level in their home town should be able to continue when they come to Sheffield. If you would like to try the organ, either as a one-off or for more regular practice, please contact the organist

One of our former students Adam Heron, who graduated from Sheffield University with a degree in Engineering, writes – “I would not be where I am now in terms of my organ playing without yours and the church’s kindness and trust in allowing me to practice on the organ while I was in Sheffield”. Adam is now working towards his ARSM performance diploma in Durham.

The full stop list can be found on the National Pipe Organ Register here


Chorale No 3 by César Franck, played by John Silverton
Resplendent reeds, French style

Adagio in E by Frank Bridge, played by John Silverton
Haunting strings and diapasons, building to full organ and subsiding

Pastorale in G by Lefébure-Wély, played by our organist, Peter Verity
Featuring some solo stops

Next, two movements from Gothic Suite by Boëllman, played by Peter Verity

Prière à Notre Dame

Gothic Toccata

Finally, two pieces played by one of our students, Adam Heron,  at a recent Christmas recital

Toccata on Good King Wenceslas, composed by Adam himself

‘Sleigh Ride’ by Leroy Anderson, arranged by Adam